Friday, October 02, 2009

Take the time

Take the time

How often are you able to take the time


The time


The time

How often are you able to notice

The blinking first star of the inking evening

The criss-crossery of branches cracking the sky

The blown sand twisting like long blond hair

Take the time

To be there

Intelligent witness

Unpressured I.


The time


Your time

Don't fill it

Let it fill itself

Take hold of moments

Mark them off

How often can you abscond

With minimum cost

And watch

The pink pregnancy of cumulus at dusk

The pheasant ducking under the bent hawthorn

The dug dykes draining the golfing green

It forces you to realise

Your tiredness

Why you need to

Take the time

Instead of it taking you.

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